domingo, 25 de marzo de 2007


Welcome every one, this is my brand new blog.
My mission is to keep you interesed day by day as I post about things that maybe matter to you and some other stupid things just for entertairnment.
Number One ta rara!
1. I'm one of the most important writters nowadays, 'cause without me, great writters wouldn't be so great, as they say "you need an ugly friend to make yourself look cool".
Let's say I'm that ugly friend, but within the little difference that once in a while I punch the cool one. ;)
Oh, and number two!
My prime Lenguage is spanish, so I'll be posting in spanish too buddies.
Welcome again and i hope you visit me frecuently.
Bienvenidos mis amigos, la diversión apenas comienza...

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Oh !! Oh !! no se que pedir !! xP !

Lo felicito u_U ! xD

Anónimo dijo...

Mi imposibilidad verbal me deja con el deseo de querer darle una expansiva felicitacion, sin mas me limito a pronunciar mi sinceridad ........ HOLA VITEH

El Camino a Seguir dijo...

